Sunday, October 7, 2012

Check ride

For the first time in 6 weeks I pumped up the tires today and headed out on the bike.  To backtrack a bit, on the Passo Furcia descent (in late August) I couldn't slow down sufficiently before a switchback end, a car was ascending in the opposite direction so I couldn't use that lane, and I exited the roadway and fell.  Luckily there wasn't a sheer cliff or anything, just lots of rock.  The folks in the oncoming car stopped and helped me, decided I was hurt bad enough to call pronto soccorso and very kindly stayed with me until they arrived.  Pronto soccorso folks decided since my helmet was cracked I should see a doctor, so they hauled me and my bike down the hill to Brunico.  They xrayed my head and said no problem, but then checked my shoulder (bloodied on the back) and said I had a ligament contusion.  So I stayed the night and drove home the next morning.  Very nice folks at the hospital in Brunico (or Bruneck, because everyone speaks German there).  BTW I didn't mention all this in the Passo Furcia ride report because I thought it wasn't that bad of an injury, and I didn't want to detract from the climb description with extraneous details.

As it turned out the shoulder didn't heal very quickly (partly my fault because I continued with plans to drive to Switzerland and Tuscany in the following weeks, and kept doing household chores, mowing grass, toting heavy grocery bags, etc).  I kept ice on it much of the time and took aspirin for the pain.

Anyway it felt good enough today to try a ride up the little hill to Grizzo.  I was too slow to catch a pack from GC Meschio on the ride home, but still felt good to be riding again.  I'll try to post some ride reports in coming weeks- I'm reading a book about World War I on the Italian-Slovenian border so I'm itching to go riding near the Soça River area.

Soça Dreams...
(foto by xxmystique)


  1. Sorry to hear about your fall. Good to have you back, even though reading your reports always makes my local loops in the West Country look a little, well, flat!

  2. I read only now about your accident.
    Bentornato in sella :)


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