Beautiful sunny morning, lots of cyclists out near Maniago- a large town-club ride of 200-300 (split into two groups). After Meduno it turned partly cloudy- still nice out. Rode up the Val Chiarzo' to Campone- lots of snowmelt in the river so sounded/looked awesome. The road up to Piani di Clauzetto had some slushy ice the last few hundred meters, not bad. But the sky was looking ominous in the Pradis di Sotto, Orton, Clauzetto zone- low, dark clouds. Temp felt like it dropped (may have just been all the slow descending without pedaling because of the ice). Anyway the snow was beautiful on the beech forest and the big fir trees. The descent from Clauzetto down through Travesio, Sequals is a blur. From Arba home was flat and easy. Nice ride.
Waterfall near Lago di Redona

Torrente Chiarzo'
Monte Celànt
Piani di Clauzetto 670 meters
Orton, Monte Pala

Looking South toward the plain from Orton-Clauzetto Road
Looking east toward Tagliamento River from Orton-Clauzetto Road
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