Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cjanet-Monte Prat MTB

Another route to alto piano di Mont Prat, this one from the east.  Fantastic clear cool weather.  I rode up Strada di Bottecchia from Pinzano and Flagona, past Lago di Cornino, under the cliffs with squadra of circling griffoni to Peonis.  Just past  Peonis you take a left onto the strada per Cjanet.  Continue up the paved switchbacks, gently at first, then gradually steeper and steeper.  Beautiful views from gaps in the trees of the Tagliamento, Gemona, Osoppo.  Eventually you're grappling steeply up through the settlement of Cjanet to end of pavement around 550 meters.  Now it's a flattish gravel road through spruce trees, pleasant forest riding.  Things change again around 560 meters, as it now becomes a steep gravel fire road through brushy forest, with concreted switchback ends.   This is the most demanding section, but never overwhelms you completely.  Around 700 meters it calms down some and soon you reach pavement again near some old farmhouses (I saw a sign calling it Localita Aear).  Very pleasant riding here till at 765 meters a junction.  The road to Monte Prat turns right, but I saw an unlabeled lane heading up to the left and had to try.   Best scenery of the ride here: it rises out of the woods into steep pasture with glorious views to west and north.  I kept going to end of pavement at 830 meters.  Trails from here reach Monte Pedroc at 860 meters, but I didn't try them today.  I reached a beautiful sunny pasture at Pra de Asin but it was marked private so I turned around.  Then down to Monte Prat, with lots of hikers & picnickers for the holiday.  Nice descent to Forgaria then back to the car at Lestans.  Must head back here soon. 

Lago di Cornino with griffon
vulture cliffs in background

Turn left here north of Peonis

End of pavement at Cjanet

West toward Monte Cavallo gruppo

Monte Pala across the ridge above Val Arzino

Monte Pala with rocky Monte Rossa peeking over ridge

Snowy Valcalda in background

Monte Flagel (left in shadow), Monte Cuar on right

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