I tried climbing up this road from Montaner to Cansiglio last month but couldn't find the trail above 830 meters. Today I tried again. The steep paved climb went much better this time- didn't have to stop to rest. I don't know if this is a fitness improvement after climbing Zoncolan or if I just learned how to beat it from my experience last time.
Around 800 meters I turned right onto a dirt road I'd seen on the OSM cycle map. It dead ended at an old farmhouse after a few hundred meters. Then I tried a branch that went south to a beautifully restored farmhouse (another dead end). As I headed back toward Via Guitcillo da Montanara
I saw another branch near the turn off. It looked promising but ended in a hollow full of ortica (stinging nettles). I was wearing bike shorts so my legs felt like pincushions full of tingling needles. Still do, a little.
I continued up the climb to the farmhouse at 830 meters, and followed the grassy ride to the right like last month. I tried the same barely visible path I tried last month, but continued going even when it seemed to disappear. Voila! I reached the elusive dirt road which descends from Il Cansiglio. This road alternates between concrete and dirt, descending and climbing again. Quite a fun ride- I'll have to try it from the top next time.
I finally reached the paved main road from Vittorio Veneto to Il Cansiglio. I turned right and ascended, skipped the first right turn to Nino Bixio and continued to the next right turn, for Col Oliver picnic area. This is another fun climbing and descending dirt and concrete road. Eventually you reach La Strada del Patriarca, which climbs up from Cordignano (Villa di Villa). Shortly you reach the main Cansiglio road coming up from Sarone and Caneva. I cruised down and rode Via Pedemontana home. Good climb through lovely landscape.
The house where I gave up looking for the trail last month;
note the big tree my bike is parked against
Seen from the tree by my bike in the previous photo, this is
where the faint trail heads uphill (marked by my backpack) |
Hike up to a ridge and you enter this clearing (there's a hunting
blind to your left); head toward your upper right |
Finally you reach this road; turn left |
The big house where you emerge from the forest onto the main road |
The main road from Vittorio Veneto; turn right |
Turn right off the main road on this dirt road
toward Col Oliver picnic ground |
This is where La Strada del Patriarca meets the main
Cansiglio road from Sarone and Caneva |