Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monte Rest - Valle di Preone

Woke up early and headed out toward Meduno, then north to Monte Rest.  After a break I rode down the north side of Monte Rest, crossed the Tagliamento and climbed over the hills to Mediis on SS52.  After a brief ride east cross the river again and go to Preone.  Follow the signs for Valle di Preone upward through the forest, then steeply down to river crossing of the Seazza.

Here starts a seriously steep climb up from the river to the high valley.  Then it moderates some and before long the valley opens up into one of the most beautiful altopiano around here.  Past the Cascade of the Arzino  and finally joining the road descending from Sella Chianzutan.  Before long I went through some road paving work around San Francesco, prepping for the Giro in a couple of weeks.  After Anduins the ride was an endurance test:  would I have enough energy to make it home?I did, but just barely.

Climb to Passo di Monte Rest

Climb from Torrente Seazza to Valle di Preone

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