Thursday, February 26, 2015

School Commute Deviazione

The road I commute to school from San Quirino to Pordenone is closed for construction.  The past few weeks I've tried various workarounds and finally hit on the best.  A couple of kilometers of strada bianca but it's hard-packed dirt and no problem.

A few km south of San Quirino turn left here:

Coming from the left in this foto, do a quick right and then a left to cross Via Napoleon Aprilis:

Soon the dirt road runs into Via Portolana, which takes you through Villa d'Arco.  When you reach Via Villa d'Arco, go straight across and onto another dirt road:

Don't go left here.  Take a right and the road then makes an immediate left:

Soon you're back at the junction with SP65 and can head on in to town.


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