Right in the middle of the city of Vittorio Veneto an inconspicuous street called Via Borghel turns to the right. There are houses and gardens like any other street. The street begins rising, then the houses turn to vineyards, and the gradient goes nuts. I stood and tried to push the pedals down by pulling up on the bars alternately, whooshing in as much air as my lungs could hold. There’s no relief in sight, only more steepness to grapple up, until in the distance a slight lessening appears. After a few breaths it slants upward again.
This pattern recurs again and again until the highpoint at 533 meters. Finally the descent curves down through the forest to Ciser and Sonego. Now I climbed up to the turnoff for Mantaner. This is a beautiful cliffside road finally plummeting to Sarmede and on to Villa di Villa.
After Fiaschetta I took the backroad toward Polcenigo and was happy to see it had been paved. Nice Finally made it home and ate and napped. Legs very sore.
Ciser Chiesetta |
The hellish climb |