Our first day of Spring weather! It was still nippy when I started so I wore all my cold weather gear, but by the time I reached Coltura I had to strip down to short sleeves and bike shorts. The climb from Sarone up the mountain was wonderful as always. The road was completely clear of snow and not even damp, surprising after all the rain. At La Crosetta (1118 meters) I put all my cold gear back on because of the altitude. I continued on past the turn off for Monte Pizzoc, which was marked closed though appeared to be free of snow. On across Il Cansiglio where the sun shone brilliantly and the remaining snowcover sparkled. At Pian Osteria I decided to turn right toward Val Menera. The road ends after a few km at an agriturismo which was advertising Alpago Agnello (lamb). A few campers were parked outback while their owners hiked around the area. Because of the snow down in the valley I couldn't discern whether the road continues or turns into a foot trail. Have to return in summer.
The descent was great, and when I reached Coltura I went through the same routine of stripping down to the bare minimum. It felt hot to me, though other riders on Via Pedemontane were bundled up, face mask and all. Nice weather continued through Aviano and Marsure till the crest of the hill at Giais, where true to its reputation, it was drizzling.
Beautiful grassy meadows of Val Menera |
The remaining snow, with mountains to the east |
To northeast, with Col Nudo (2472 meters) cloaked in clouds |
Looking back at Val Menera from the main road (for Tambre) |
A view of the pianura on the descent;
Aviano AB in left background, Polcenigo right foreground |